Monday, July 2, 2012


This recipe is copied from an old post I made on another blog, and updated somewhat.  I have made sushi MANY times since this post was written, so any questions not addressed here I can probably answer.
This is actually really fast once you get the prep done, so if you want to make extra rice and cut veggies and store them in the fridge, then you can whip up several rolls pretty quick.

How much rice you make determines how much sushi you want.  1 cup of rice will make about three rolls, which is perfect for two people.  I am going to type up the recipe according to this measurement and you can multiply according to need.

You can buy most of your supplies from an Asian market for way cheaper than you can at a regular store... we usually get the meat elsewhere, but all else is bought at the Asian Market.

Shopping List:
This cost us about $25 and we had enough for 6 people, plus a few extra sheets of paper, and lots of extra rice. (we had cucumber, green onion, carrots, and crab as filler for our rolls here)

Japanese Short-Grain Rice - this is the key, you can use white or brown rice but it need to be short grain.
Rice Vinegar -This is part of what gives the rice it's "sushi flavor" so get the rice vinegar
Seaweed paper

Bamboo Roller

Whatever fillings you want, here are some suggestions:
Green Onion
Cream Cheese - bought at a normal store
Avacado - this you would prob have to get at a normal store too
Artificial Crab Meat - bought at a normal store
Smoked Salmon - a little more expensive but definitely delicious! Think Alaska roll - available in any regular grocery store
If you are brave you can get the raw fish, I don't trust myself working with that.

I've used artificial crab, and we cooked it in the frying pan with some asian seasonings I want to try thin chicken strips sometime

Rice: Get this going first, and then cut your veggies while the rice is cooking (but keep an eye on the rice, don't let it burn!)
1 cup short grain brown rice. Place rice in colander, rinse thoroughly with water until the water runs clear. Most recipes tell you to drain for 30-60 min, but I just let it sit for at most 5 minutes then cook... (and if you forget to rinse it... its okay... I've done it a couple times, and nothing exploded ;o)
Place rice and 1.25 cups of water in sauce pan and bring to a boil, then turn to low and cook for about 10min.
Take rice off the heat and let sit covered for 15-20 min.
** About 5 minutes before the rice is done you will need to prepare the rice seasoning (see below) ***
Spoon rice into glass dish (I like to use a casserole dish because the rice is at an even depth) and spread evenly, don't pack, leave it loose *** use a wooden or plastic spoon, NOT metal it will damage the rice

Pour rice seasoning onto rice and mix with wooden spoon till everything is evenly coated

Fan rice till it reaches room temp and has the sticky, shiny sheen that is characteristic of sushi rice.
I like to fan it with a plate so that it cools faster, but you can set it aside to cool as well, if needed, stir the rice a bit to expose the underside to the cool air. The rice needs to be at room temp before rolling. In case you are wondering you can also roll the rice cold (ex: from the fridge... if you have extra)

Rice Seasoning:
2 TBS Rice vinegar
1 TBS Sugar
1/2 tsp Salt
Mix in small bowl and dissolve in microwave, or mix in small pan and dissolve on stove.
just heat it till all the sugar is dissolved then pour over rice

This depends on what you want.  Don't fill the roll too full, I recommend starting small and then see how much more you can add. 
The rolls pictured below have Green onions, Carrots, Cucumber, and Crab
Whatever you use, thinly slice it.

Tezu: the one thing I remember the name of!
This one is easy, mix 4TBS Rive vinegar and 4TBS water in a bowl, be sure to wet your hands with this before touching rice in order to keep it from sticking to you (believe me, it will stick)

Place seaweed paper on bamboo roller, rough side up/shiney side down.
Cover with ~1/4 inch of rice, leave about 1/4-1/2 inch of seaweed uncovered at the end
Place fillings in a long pile at top of the paper
-as you roll fold the bamboo roller back on its self so you can keep rolling the sushi
At the end wet the Seaweed paper with some tezu and then it will stick to its self, sealing the roll
 I like to then take the roll and gently squeeze it in the bamboo roller just to be sure it is tight.

I have found it is easiest to make all the rolls, then cut them, letting them sit for a bit helps them to cool and they are easier to cut.
If you have sharp knives, then this will probably be easier, wet the knife with Tezu to keep it from getting stickyfied 
It helps to have a friend there so they can hold the roll and that way the cutting is more stable.

well, I think you can take it from here ;o)