This is one of my favorite new recipes. I love that it is so flexible. Also we used Whole wheat tortillas, but it could very easily be done with corn or spelt and be just as good:
Black Bean and Sweet Potato Enchiladas
2 t oil
1 small onion, diced
2 sweet potatoes, diced (about 2 1/2 c)
2 c. cooked black beans with a little cooking water (I used 2 cans of beans)
2 c. chopped greens (kale, spinach, etc)
sea salt and black pepper to taste
2 c. enchilada sauce
8 large tortillas (wheat) or 12 corn tortillas
8 oz. sour cream, yogurt cheese or creme fraiche
Preheat oven to 375.
Heat oil in large skillet. Add onion and saute 5-10 min or until soft. Add sweet potatoes. Cover and cook about 10 min. or until tender. Stir in beans and greens. Cover and heat about 5 min. until greens are wilted. Ad a little water if needed. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Cover bottowm of 9x13 in baking dish with about 1/3 c of enchilada sauce. Place tortilla on flat surface - fill with filling and roll and line them in pan-- At this point you are supposed to also add a little bit of yogurt, but I didn't realize that and it was still amazing. We just put a little dollop of yogurt on after it was cooked. Cover enchiladas with remaining saue. Cover pan and bake 20 min.
black bean and squash: substitute 2 3/4 c squash for sweet potatoes
black bean and carrot: sub 2 3/4 c diced carrots for sweet potatoes
black bean and brown rice: sub 2 3/4 c. cooked brown rice for sweet potatoes but add them at the same time as the beans and greens.
looks yummy!